Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year

I'm a little late with my New Year/ Christmas wishes, but that sort of sums up last year.

I haven't spent much time here, or anywhere on the net come to that, but when I have been around I've very much enjoyed reading the blogs of all my blogging friends that are safely bookmarked on Feedly.

I have been quite busy creatively, but mostly boring stuff that I haven't wanted to share, but I hope to be posting something interesting in the near future.

Many thanks to all the people who have come here over the years and especially those who've taken the time to comment, it is always much appreciated. I've missed the camaraderie of late, although many people seem to prefer Facbook now, and I have to say I'm not a fan. I prefer the slower more contemplative platform of a blog.

Our summerhouse is being used more and more and is fast becoming the artistic sanctuary I hoped it would be, the picture above was taken on Monday, we had a very heavy frost so we lit the stove, drank hot chocolate and I started a pastel sketch of our youngest grandaughter. It doesn't get much better than that.

I hope this year brings happiness and peace to all, including our beautiful family.


greenrabbitdesigns said...

Happy New Year Sharon to you and yours! :)
V x

Heather said...

Facebook is OK for a quick post but blogs are so much more interesting. Your allotment is looking very trim as it waits for spring to arrive, and I hope you get to spend many happy hours during 2015 in your creative haven there.

Françoise said...

Happy New Year to you Sharon!

Pat said...

Happy New Year Sharon. I'm with you on Facebook. Looking forward to watching the garden grow.