We had a lovely weekend in Devon, the weather was glorious, a little bit of an Indian summer at last.
I met up with Val as planned at the Rosemoor gardens, which are very beautiful and quite different to our local RHS at Wisley, in Surrey. We had a lovely long chat and exchanged our work for a 'show and tell'. I got to see Val's latest embellishing samples in the flesh, wich I can tell you were brilliant as they look so full of life and colour. That's the unfortunate thing about the web, it does tend to flatten images of our work.
I was also priveldged to see Val's latest PC for the CG challenge, which will be winging its way to Lynda. It's a beautiful piece with a very cleverly worked embellished BG, which you can see here .
Val is a lovely person with a wealth of creative experience that she's very happy to share, so it was a real treat to sit and compare notes and absorb some of her creative advice. I came away from our meeting full of enthusiasm and confidence for the remainig work I have to do on the C&G. I hope we will be able to meet up again one day for a catch up on the next chapter of our creative story.
I even had time to take a few shots in the gardens of some very inspirational plants etc.

The colours on these Chard really caught my eye.

This sunflower was well passed its best , but the dried flower head has a wonderful texture.

Couldn't reist these artichokes against such a blue sky.

And how about this glorious texture on the melon.
My friend's wedding was beautiful, she looked absolutely radiant, unfortunately I can't post a pic yet as the happy couple have gone on their honeymoon, and I haven't got permission to post a pic.
The setting for the wedding in the Sculpture park was a great idea, there was so much to see between the various stages of the wedding. I managed to snap a couple of the sculptures that I really liked, sorry no names, you'll have to make them up.

On sunday morning we went to Woolacombe Bay which appeared to be a major surfers' magnet. It had a great atmosphere with all their vans lined up on the cliffs above the bay. You'll probably know by now that we have a soft spot for VW campers as we have one ourselves.