I decided to take a short break to catch up with my everyday blog, as opposed to my C&G
blog, which has just taken me an unbelievable 4 hours to update the new chapter. I can only assume that my brain, which has never been the fastest on the block, has now decided to go on OAP mode, hmmmm! (actually no disrespect to other OAP's, I think this is more a
me thing.
Anyway as it would take forever to post up even some of the pics from our recent French holiday, so I thought I'd post some of my journal entries. I'm a real newbie when it comes to creative journaling and tend to go for the obvious on most of my pages, so those of you who have wonderful examples, these are more modest offerings.

This was made with the lovely bread wrappers you get for your bagettes, and pics from promotional leaflets.
and here's me working in my portable studio :-)

.........and the result, dadah!

And the wonderful Chambord !

Not forgetting the glorious opportunity I had to sketch there, transporting me into another unseen world.

Oh! and how could I forget the magical, privately owned, slightly distressed Chateau De la Ferte Saint Aubin, where we lived the dream for a day, ahhh! what a life, I knew I was destined for aristocracy !!!!!!!

Sorry about the sideways recipe in the middle if the page here , but it's the back of the previous page's PC and I couldn't think of a more inventive way to show both sides, so had to cut a hole in the page, I told you I was a newbie :-(
And what a wonderful surprise this was, beautiful church wall paintings, so vibrant and skilfully painted. ( I've looked and seen I've mentioned these before, so apologies, here's some more.)

And a little bit of crafting. I got to use my mini sewing machine on holiday and the first thing I made was a quilted bag for my
Polaroid Pogo printer that I bought for the holiday, it's a wicked little toy, perfect for journaling on the go.

And a plastic bag holder.

And some glass covers so they don't rattle in the cups, while in transit, my DH has a major aversion to rattles, in common with most men I suspect!

What about this for real luxury sewing, shame the shop was closed.

This pics's especially for my DD2 who loves dressing her youngest DD in traditional smocked dresses, but she'd have to pay a cool 65 euros for this one!

And just to finish off I had to include this pic, how often do you get your DH to sit on a toadstool, although he does make rather an oversised elf :-)