Ooops! All that travelling and a combination of no internet and being very busy of course, I've missed a few Advent days.
We had a wonderful few days and on the whole the weather was kind and when it wasn't we just veged out.
We had a great day visiting our friend Carrol in Bristol, ate too much as usual and had a lovely catch up.
We then moved on to Cardiff for a lovely early Christmas with our DS and our DDIL and not forgetting our youngest GS, phew that 's a lot of initials!
I couldn't stand the state of my DS's winter coat any longer and had to do some repairs, which our GS thought was too interesting to miss.
Not so much that he din't have time to down 2 yogurts, followed by some toast.
We had a lovley Christmas dinner together, complete with some amazing handmade stuffing made by our clever DDIL.
And then it was present sharing, and look what I got....
Millie the pincushion will sit on my desk for ever, smiling at me as that's the kind of mouse she is.... and a wonderful felted pencil case, both hand crafted of course.
And more present opening......
On sunday we went for a long walk across the barrage in Cardiff Bay, luckily for us the weather was nice on the way out.
And of course we were so hungry that we had to stop for second breakfast at Craft in the Bay.
Someone looks very smart in their Christmas stripey top and jeans from Nanny and Grandad.
Unfortunately the weather was not so kind on the walk back and we had to shelter along the way, although this tired little chap was nice and dry and warm.
Nanny and Granddad had to have a lazy afternoon in a lovely Marina just past the barrage and after a nice little snoozette and dinner we ventured out to look at the boats all dressed in their Christmas lights.
Just perfect for a sketching subject......
All those lovely colours.
Thank you so much to all our hosts for giving us such a lovely few days away, can't wait for the next round.
Happy Christmas.