Monday, 26 August 2013

A perfect visit

Having spent the day in Cardiff Bay we then went off to visit out son and his lovely family.

We had lots of quality time together and have come home exhausted but happy. You really do forget how busy a little eighteen month old is during his day.

Especially when you go solo riding Shaun the sheep.

And smiling for the camera Mummy...

But then it was time for Daddy to do some work.

Then it was back in the push chair and what a mean trick, Mummy, to give me a snack and then strap me in... I don't think that was funny!

It was a lovely relaxing catch up, see you all again soon.


Françoise said...

What a big boy already!
He's very cute.

Heather said...

Mummy is so little and Daddy so tall - just like my son and his wife. Your grandson is a dear little chap and you are quite right about them being exhausting. However did we cope when ours were that age?! It's lovely to spend time with them whatever their ages.