Wednesday 26 August 2009

Freedom exhibition

I'm interrupting my holiday posts as I've recently received the details for the Charles Henry Foyle Trust Award exhibition.

It's to be held at the Forge Mill Needle Museum in Redditch near Birmingham.

From 12th September to 25th October

If anyone is in the area on the 25th September at 2.30pm for the Private View it would be great to see you, just let me know if you might be there and I'll save a glass of wine for you :-)


Julie said...

Wow! Very exciting! I would love to go but not sure if I can get there. I hope you'll be taking photos for us! Did you mean PV on 12th? I hope the exhibition goes really well for you. xx

sharon young said...

Sorry Julie, the PV is on the 12th September, my brain was running ahead of itself, trying not to get too excited and failing LOL