Sunday 6 January 2013

Waiting optimistically

We didn't get any news about our request for plot 6 allotment on Friday, as we hoped we would, so we decided to go for a walk just to have another look at it anyway.

A bit of positive thinking........

And a look at the view, it was very misty this morning.......

Before we arrived at 'our hoped for plot' we had a look at some of the others.

And found these early beauties, what a feast for winter eyes.

How about this for a great way of recycling wellies.

Or even orphaned ones......

I expect you'll be seeing a lot of this small haven in the future, I certainly hope so.

Maybe we'll have news tomorrow.


Heather said...

Keep thinking positive thoughts! That little plot looks so appealing - no wonder you want it so much. Love the wellies and primroses are always a winner - I must go and look for mine.

Françoise said...

Love that first picture!
I hope you don't plan to stay there until you get the news!
And of course I hope you will get this litle piece of garden finally.

Pru said...

I'll be wishing for you too...xx