Just look who popped into the front garden for breakfast yesterday morning, we think it might be a female, but we couldn't believe how long she stayed eating the peanuts that the birds drop on the ground from the feeder. Needless to say this pic was taken by my OH, surprisingly nimble for that time of the morning :-)
I just thought I'd put up a link to Shirley's new blog that she's had to set up on Wordpress as Bloggger locked her out, and she's had an awful time trying to sort out the old blog and finally gave up in disgust.
We're off to Norwich on Monday as my OH is looking for swallow tail butterflies with a friend and I'm just tagging along for the ride. We're staying in a river side chalet on the river Yare.

I'm hoping to get a lot of R&R and a peaceful look around Norwich on my own, to do some 'creative' shopping and have a look at the cathedral and maybe the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts. If anyone knows of any 'must sees' in the area maybe you could let me know.
That is of course if I can tear my OH away from the new ladies in his life (his chucks!) who will be looked after by our brilliant neighbors. I think his next plan is for a couple of pedigree hens, very posh!! and a duck. He's already extending the pen. I wonder when the goat arrives!!