Just thought I'd share the lovely weekend we had with our DS and his lovely DF in Cardiff Bay.
It was My OH's B-day on Saturday and before Xmas when we were visiting we noticed that the Scottish Royal Ballet were performing Sleeping Beauty at the Wales Millennium Centre on his actual B-day, so as it was 20 years since we last saw a live ballet I decided to make it his B-day treat.
As we were spending the w/e we went up to Cardiff on the Friday and had a great afternoon at the St Fagans, National History museum, which I shall blog about later as I took some lovely inspirational shots of a beautiful medieval restored church.

Here's one to whet your appetite.
After a lovely afternoon I had to visit the new hobby craft in Cardiff and bought these wonderful buttons, for a project I'll show later.

When we arrived at the flat we were treated to a delicious Paella which our, soon to be, DIL made for us as a lovely start to our w\e.
On Saturday we went for a long walk around Cardiff Bay and tried out the new barrage walk along the harbour. It was quite blustery, but very excillarating. Here's me between my two boys!

And here's our lovely hosts.

Before we went to the performance we were treated to a spelndid meal, which was a surprise treat from our DS and his DF, thank you both very much.

Just before we went into the millennium Centre I just had to have a go at this night shot, it was such a stunning display in real life, I'm afraid my pic doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea.

The inside of the MC is really modern and very stylish. The actual stage area isn't as large as you'd expect from the outside of the building but that helps to give it a more intimate feel I think.

Just before the curtain went up I managed to snap this shot of it as I thought it looked amazing.
The performance was absolutely super, I loved the fairy costumes and the intricate way the traditional story had been woven to suit a modern contemporary audiance.

One of the good fairies

The wicked fairy and her daughters responsible for trying to kill the princess.

The wonderfu princess (sleeping beauty) and her prince. They both danced magnificently together and seprately, bringing a lump to my throat with their tender interpretation of the story.
It certainly was a memorable evening.
Of course we had to round the w/e off with our usual vist to Craft in the Bay on Sunday for huge slices of cake and hot chocolate.
So a big thank you to Our DS and his DF for a fantastic w/e.