I then printed the under layer of the flower onto heavy weight Lutrador. The inks bled a bit on this as Lynda discovered with Dianne's PC. I tried printing it again onto Lutrador that had previously been coated with InkAid Iridescent gold, and this stopped the bleed considerably.
Having got this print off ( the first uncoated one) I decided it would be much better just as the daisy itself and so cut out the flower with the soldering iron. It was then bonded to the canvas with Photomount spray.

The next step was to print the top layer of the flower, stars and the children onto silk organza that had been coated with Bubblejet 2000. I still find this the best solution for coating fabrics ready for printing, but of course it will only work really well with natural fabrics.
Before I printed the image I pushed up the saturation so that I had a really contrasty image, which would counteract the loss of pigment in the printing process, as half of the ink gets left behind on the backing paper.
Before I bonded this layer to the canvas/Lutrador layer I stuck some silver stars to the BG, just for a bit of fun.
Finally the organza layer was bonded to the BG with Bondaweb, slightly offset to the Lutrador BG to give a shaddow effect. I picked out a few stars, that had been almost lost in the printing, and stitched them in with gold thread. I topped it off with some seed beads and one more gold star.
This is a bit of a departure from my usual line of experimenting, but it was fun to do something just for the 'hell of it' for a change!!