Now down to the serious business of the creative direction for 2008. Well! The first thing in the 'to do' pile is the new module in my C&G embroidery Certificate curse, (whoops, a bit of a Freudian slip there!!!) course.
As this one is colour I have high hopes of it being a bit easier going than the last, texture, as colour is probably the first decision I make about a new piece and is often the first thing that sparks my imagination in whatever it is that inspires me.
The first task in this module is to begin 'building a portfolio collection of colour'. The first part of this exercise is to make a 'Colour collection of colour stories'. I hope you're following the gist so far! The idea is to work with the primary colours to start with, (i.e. red, blue, yellow) and explore with the aid of magazine cuttings/photos, fragments or squares that reveal as many of the different shades and tones of these primary colours as possible. These are then to be glued to a backing sheet/sketch book in such a way as to show the story or flow of the above.

As usual it's sometimes quite difficult to interpret what is meant by the written instructions when you're doing a distance-learning course. So as you can see I've started with red and moved on to pink. I don't know if I'm on the right lines, but I just felt it was important for me to create a colour story that would inspire me in the future, and I think these might. There wasn't much time pre Christmas to do a lot but with my new timetable in place (Tuesday and Thursdays as creative days) I hope to get on with this a bit quicker than my previous effort of 6 months per module!!
My second priority this year is to make artwork to sell at future exhibitions that our fledgling group will be hosting. We plan to have one in the spring and one in July, so far, and I’m also exhibiting with a friend as a joint exhibition in a local gallery in June, so I’ll definitely need my two dedicated days.
By way of light relief I have my monthly commitment to Calendar Girls, which I love, as it gives me that much needed contact with other like-minded people.
Finally I want to build in more time for experiments with new ‘stuff’ that at the moment I know nothing about, get to grips with my embellisher and refresh my composite work on Photoshop.
Did I mention that part of my New Year plan was to reduce my nightly hours of sleep quota to 4 per night LOL?
Have a happy and creative New Year!!