I finally found time to put the embroidered leaves on the printed silk paper sample. I just laied down a few silk tops to keep everything in place and left it at that, I think it's worked quite well. I bought some Perspex to make a sandwiched frame to display it, so I hope that goes well, with a little DIY help from 'him indoors'!

Having finished off that project I decided to take the plunge and make my first post card. It was actually the product of a rather unsuccessful attempt at using Transfoil. I had some knocking about from a show, as you do, and had lost the instructions. I tried sticking it to Bondaweb, shiny side up, and found I couldn't remove the film, so most of it had to stay put. I seem to remember similar problems when I tried to use it once before. I'll have to investigate further and maybe take some advise from PurpleMissus.

Anyway, it was a fairly succesful day and I was pleased to have made a post card at last especially when I found that my little quilting square was the perfect size, and I could see through it, hopefully many more on the way.
Looks good to me! Have just got some foil and intend to experiment!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. BTW whilst I enjoyed the Harrogate show I'm not sure it's big or good enough these days to justify all that expense!
The postcard is lovely - I like the variegated 'bound' edges too...
I really do like the simplicity of the leaves, letting the shape and a few lines infer the meaning. Perfect!
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