I had no time to post yesterday as I was busy with my home work, well that is producing the straps for my daughter Hannah's baby carriers.
She has an online baby carrier business called Connecta Baby Carrier, which she runs at the same time as looking after 6 children. This is no mean feat as she makes the carriers herself with a little help from Mum. But it does mean that we both have to burn the midnight oil occasionally when demand hits the roof!!
Still the upside of this is that I get lots of lovely offcuts, sometimes silk, which she uses for special collections and plenty of wadding, plus some money to put away for the expensive items such as my new Embellisher, and of course my beautiful Horn sewing cabinet, seen in the picture above.
One of my other daughters, Nicola, is moddeling this caarrier with Hannah's youngest daughter Sylvia.

My goodness, what a tidy sewing area!
Hi Sharon - Just catching up on my blog reading!! Your daughter sounds amazing - I feel exhausted just thinking about the logistics of 6 children let alone a business as well! The carriers look beautiful. I'm excited to hear you have an embellisher - maybe we could do a swap sometime based on that?! (anytime as far as I am concerned!)
Just popped over here from Arlee's blog and was excited to see that your workroom has some of the same colours as mine! My walls are a mid tone purple and all the furniture etc I've painted in what looks to be the same green as you have! Glad to know there's somebody else that likes that colour too.
Looking forward to exploring your blog.
Mary Anne
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